New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

Matrix Partitioning for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms

We consider the combinatorial optimization problem that arises in the context of matrix multiplication in  [40]. The problem of partitioning a matrix into a set of sub-matrices has received increased attention recently and is crucial when considering dense linear algebra and kernels with similar communication patterns on heterogeneous platforms. The problem of load balancing and minimizing communication is traditionally reducible to an optimization problem that involves partitioning a square into rectangles. This problem has been proven to be NP-Complete for an arbitrary number of partitions. In this paper, we present recent approaches that relax the restriction that all partitions be rectangles. The first approach uses an original mathematical technique to find the exact optimal partitioning. Due to the complexity of the technique, it has been developed for a small number of partitions only. However, even at a small scale, the optimal partitions found by this approach are often non-rectangular and sometimes non-intuitive. The second approach is the study of approximate partitioning methods by recursive partitioning algorithms. In particular we use the work on optimal partitioning to improve pre-existing algorithms. In this paper we discuss the different perspectives it opens and present two algorithms, SNRPP which is a sqrt(3/2) approximation, and NRPP which is a 2/sqrt(3) approximation. While sub-optimal, this approach works for an arbitrary number of partitions. We use the first exact approach to analyse how close to the known optimal solutions the NRRP algorithm is for small numbers of partitions. In order to validate above approach, we consider in [41] how to allocate data when performing matrix multiplication on a heterogeneous node, with multicores and GPUs. Classical (cyclic) allocations designed for homogeneous settings are not appropriate, but the advent of task-based runtime systems makes it possible to use more general allocations. Previous theoretical work has proposed square and cube partitioning algorithms aimed at minimizing data movement for matrix multiplication. We propose techniques to adapt these continuous square partitionings to allocating discrete tiles of a matrix, and strategies to adapt the static allocation at run-time. We use these techniques in an implementation of Matrix Multiplication based on the StarPU runtime system, and we show through extensive experiments that this implementation allows to consistently obtain a lower communication volume while improving slightly the execution time, compared to standard state-of-the-art dynamic strategies.